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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Keep Writing Whatever is Your Reason To Blog

Until this step, you already have a blog. So the next question is "what is make you want to have a blog"? Do you just want to share a beautiful moment in your life? Or maybe you want to go further to see the power of blogging? What is the advance of blogging? Ok, I will write down some advance of blogging.
  1. Getting connected to other people. When your blog is known by others, they usually leave comments and you will interact with them by replying their comments. Then you will have friends and begin a community if you get a lot of people with same interest. See, blogging is FUN!
  2. Going to be famous. When a lot of people find your blog is interesting, you will begin to be known by others as a good writer. Your blog will be visited by a lot of people day by day. In this level, you are going to be a blog superstar!
  3. Famous = MONEY. What does superstar get from his famous? Beside popularity, he will have a lot of money. Movie stars get a lot of money because their movies are watched by millions of people. When your blog is famous, you can get a lot of money by just doing writing. I will explain about this in my next post.
So, whatever your goals from doing blogging even just to share your daily activities, Keep Writing!

For me, the reason is Blogging is FUN! *_*

Do People Love Your Blog?

When you love someone, every single day you want to see him/her. That is a fact that we won't argue about that. When people love your blog, they will come every day wondering that maybe there will be a new and interesting thing or article. So, it is important to make your blog beeing loved by the readers. Huge traffic without interested content is nothing. People won't come back to your site if they found nothing interesting. So how make people love your blog? I have some tips for you.
  1. Original content. When you write something new that nobody hasn't wrote it yet, then reader will see that you are a true and interested person. If your content is good article, it will bring more and more traffic to your blog.
  2. Image. Sometimes when your article is not interested enough, images will attract your readers. But beware, too much images will blur your contents.
  3. Layout. No despite that a good and structural layout will make readers to love your blog. A beautiful look doesn't always have a good structural layout. The simple tips is place your menu bar in easy viewable location. Also if you decide to put ads in your blog, place them so readers won't be feel annoying. Too much ads will kill your blog.
  4. Widget. This is an additional item that can be place at your blog in several easy steps. But please be careful, when your blog has too much widget, people will feel boring and your content might not be seen.

Claim My Blog at Technorati

What is Technorati? It is a site where we can introduce our blog to reader all around the world. If people interest with our blog, they can subscribe so if there is a new post, they will know. Of course, there are several site that offer the same service but one of the biggest is . Beside introducing our blog, we can also find some popular blog or even just to find blog with special keywords. How to claim your blog at Technorati? Just go to and join for a new account for yourself. Then claim your blog by entering the given code at your new post.

Here is my technorati's code : Technorati Profile

Monday, September 3, 2007

Change Yours Default Blogger Template

Great, now you already have your personal blog!

After followed the instruction about how to build a blog in my previous post, you can see display of your blog with its default template. Maybe you would start to think that you want a different site from others (imagine how many people are using the default template since has millions members). Fortunately, give us an option to change our blog with custom template. This is one of the reason that's why I choose as my blog host. You can notice that this blog has a different template that can't be find at I wrote the commentary in the first post.

Now you want to know how to change default template to your custom one. The steps are :
  1. Find the template that you wish to put at your blog. You can find custom template at Blogger Templates or other place which you can find by googling at bottom of this blog.
  2. After choose the new template, you must copy the xml code by select all the text and click control-C just like copying text in word processor.
  3. Login to your blogger account and then click "template" below your blog name. After that, click "Edit HTML" tab and you can find the xml code for your default template. Paste your new template code and save your template.
  4. That's it. Now your blog will have a new display. Your post will be display just like before so you don't have to worry to lose them.
To see the new display of your blog, just click the "View Blog" tab beside the template blog at your dashboard.

You can change your template as many as you want by repeat these steps. Hope you like it.

What is blog? Can I have one?

Do you have a personal dairy? People use dairies to write down their daily activities, mood, feeling, and everything that happened in their daily life as memories. This activity is believing by psychologists that can help the writer to achieve more happiness and maturity. In the previous time, blog is just like dairy. Bloggers (that is what we called people who are doing this activity) share their daily activities in their blog (in the internet, of course). Then people started to write about their interest, opinion, new things and others. Today we see that blog can be a money machines, too. I will explain further about this later.

So, how can we have a blog for ourself? That is our goal today. One of the easiest way to create a blog is join just like this blog. It is easy, simple and free. I am not their salesman, so do not worry about this blog is ads LOL. But I just share from my experience from I started to begin this blog. The steps to begin a blog in are :
  1. Go to here
  2. If you already have a gmail account, you can just go to the next step but if not, you must open a new email account at . Once again, it is free and easy.
  3. Login with your username and pasword and then choose the blog name that you wish for. Your blog name should be like
  4. Choose the template for your new blog at the next page
  5. Start write down your first post !
  6. That's all
Next time, when you want to write your next post, just login to your blogger dashboard at and click posting tab - create
Hoolllaaa.... you just have your first blog !

Cafe Template

Today, I was looking for a free template for my new blog and I found this site has a lot of XML template. They have a lot of XML templates and the good news is they are free. This kind of template is suggested by many of senior bloggers because its safety and supported by google via So, I must give a credit for for their great works.

My goal from writing this blog is I want to share my experience from doing blogging step by step. As we know, there are a lot of website that already teach and give tips about blogging. But after I was doing blogging for some times, I still not found the solution for all of my blogging problem. So I decide to write down my experience day by day of my blogging activities. Hopefully, my experience can help some bloggers that maybe have a same problems, too. For professional bloggers, maybe we can discuss some blogging matters here.

Okay, let do some blogging now!