What is blog? Can I have one? ~ Bloggers Cafe
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Monday, September 3, 2007

What is blog? Can I have one?

Do you have a personal dairy? People use dairies to write down their daily activities, mood, feeling, and everything that happened in their daily life as memories. This activity is believing by psychologists that can help the writer to achieve more happiness and maturity. In the previous time, blog is just like dairy. Bloggers (that is what we called people who are doing this activity) share their daily activities in their blog (in the internet, of course). Then people started to write about their interest, opinion, new things and others. Today we see that blog can be a money machines, too. I will explain further about this later.

So, how can we have a blog for ourself? That is our goal today. One of the easiest way to create a blog is join blogger.com just like this blog. It is easy, simple and free. I am not their salesman, so do not worry about this blog is ads LOL. But I just share from my experience from I started to begin this blog. The steps to begin a blog in blogger.com are :
  1. Go to here
  2. If you already have a gmail account, you can just go to the next step but if not, you must open a new email account at mail.google.com . Once again, it is free and easy.
  3. Login with your username and pasword and then choose the blog name that you wish for. Your blog name should be like xxx.blogspot.com
  4. Choose the template for your new blog at the next page
  5. Start write down your first post !
  6. That's all
Next time, when you want to write your next post, just login to your blogger dashboard at http://www.blogger.com and click posting tab - create
Hoolllaaa.... you just have your first blog !

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