Keep Writing Whatever is Your Reason To Blog ~ Bloggers Cafe
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Keep Writing Whatever is Your Reason To Blog

Until this step, you already have a blog. So the next question is "what is make you want to have a blog"? Do you just want to share a beautiful moment in your life? Or maybe you want to go further to see the power of blogging? What is the advance of blogging? Ok, I will write down some advance of blogging.
  1. Getting connected to other people. When your blog is known by others, they usually leave comments and you will interact with them by replying their comments. Then you will have friends and begin a community if you get a lot of people with same interest. See, blogging is FUN!
  2. Going to be famous. When a lot of people find your blog is interesting, you will begin to be known by others as a good writer. Your blog will be visited by a lot of people day by day. In this level, you are going to be a blog superstar!
  3. Famous = MONEY. What does superstar get from his famous? Beside popularity, he will have a lot of money. Movie stars get a lot of money because their movies are watched by millions of people. When your blog is famous, you can get a lot of money by just doing writing. I will explain about this in my next post.
So, whatever your goals from doing blogging even just to share your daily activities, Keep Writing!

For me, the reason is Blogging is FUN! *_*

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